Fairytale's Truth Update!
Fairytale's Truth is now available on Amazon! And on Saturday, you'll be able to find the ebook on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, and other places! Here's the link for all of the locations you can find this book! books2read.com/fairytalestruth Once the book was made available, I submitted the story to ACX to find a narrator for it. I figured it would take a few days to find someone who would want to narrate it. By the end of the day, there were 6 auditions! I listened to each one very carefully and visited their profiles before making my choice. The next day, a contract was made with Cassandra Arnold. It should be finished in April or May so be on the look-out for that! She has agreed to narrate the other books in the series as well! I am so excited about that. I'll be sharing a sample of her reading on YouTube so if you haven't followed me on there, be sure to do so, so you don't miss that! I shared the news with my daughter. Her boyfriend went online to check ...