
Showing posts from February, 2021

Fairytale's Truth Update!

Fairytale's Truth is now available on Amazon! And on Saturday, you'll be able to find the ebook on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, and other places! Here's the link for all of the locations you can find this book! Once the book was made available, I submitted the story to ACX to find a narrator for it. I figured it would take a few days to find someone who would want to narrate it. By the end of the day, there were 6 auditions! I listened to each one very carefully and visited their profiles before making my choice. The next day, a contract was made with Cassandra Arnold. It should be finished in April or May so be on the look-out for that! She has agreed to narrate the other books in the series as well! I am so excited about that. I'll be sharing a sample of her reading on YouTube so if you haven't followed me on there, be sure to do so, so you don't miss that! I shared the news with my daughter. Her boyfriend went online to check ...

Peterson Estate 6: The Great Dark Witch

One of my Beta Readers has begun sending me her comments about the story. Regardless of what the others say, she made some good comments recommending certain changes (or additions) to the story. So I've begun making those corrections and put Murder Through Time on hold. That was my plan, to begin with so it's all good. This book is scheduled to release by end of April or early May, haven't decided on an exact date yet. That will be coming soon though. I have two covers above. The one of the left is the most recent of my designs. Since there's a new MC in the story (this book only), I wanted the cover to be slightly different. I thought the lightning was a nice touch. John (the Great Dark Witch) uses lightning to cast fear in the people. Of course, it's not necessary with his demeanor. In this story, I needed to reveal just how strong John is in order to show how strong Emily is. I mean this man was able to destroy an elemental god. That's a strong power. If he c...

Murder Through Time

The final cover will be slightly different (just need to finalize the title font) In just 9 days, I've managed to write just a little over 18K so far. My goal is 60K, as always. If the story isn't finished at 60, I will keep going until it is. I just like having something to shoot for lol. This story has been flowing, some areas faster than others, but it's moving along quicker than I had anticipated, which is totally cool. The MC switched on me, which is fine. The original idea for the MC wasn't working, she was stubborn basically. But I think the choice for the MC now makes for a better story. I can get into it a little better, do not ask me why. I do not choose the characters, they choose me lol. With this story, I've been having way too much creating new things "from the future". Some of the words have changed, at least for the MC. For some reason he doesn't like using the word bad, he says major instead. And that's fine, we all have our own li...

Writing Updates February 2021

First of all, the day is getting closer and my new favorite book will be unleashed into the world of readers. I am beyond excited and I can't wait to hear how others feel about this amazing story. Feb. 27, 2021. Check it out on Goodreads at and mark your calendars! I already did lol. I finished editing Peterson Estate 6: The Great Dark Witch. It is in the hands of my Beta Readers now. I'm super excited about that too lol. Yeah, I'm just all the way around excited. So far this year has gone as planned and I'm even ahead of schedule. A couple days ago (Wednesday), I began writing Murder Through Time. I didn't want to just sit around as I waited for the Beta Readers so I may as well write lol. The story is coming along rather nicely. I worked on the cover too. When I was looking at the thumbnail of the book, I was having some trouble seeing the title and author's name. The font was too thin so I decid...