Writing Updates February 2021
First of all, the day is getting closer and my new favorite book will be unleashed into the world of readers. I am beyond excited and I can't wait to hear how others feel about this amazing story. Feb. 27, 2021. Check it out on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55846898-fairytale-s-truth and mark your calendars! I already did lol.
I finished editing Peterson Estate 6: The Great Dark Witch. It is in the hands of my Beta Readers now. I'm super excited about that too lol. Yeah, I'm just all the way around excited. So far this year has gone as planned and I'm even ahead of schedule.
A couple days ago (Wednesday), I began writing Murder Through Time. I didn't want to just sit around as I waited for the Beta Readers so I may as well write lol. The story is coming along rather nicely. I worked on the cover too.
When I was looking at the thumbnail of the book, I was having some trouble seeing the title and author's name. The font was too thin so I decided to ask for a little guidance on it. A few other authors made some suggestions and noticed the image was off just a little so I fixed the problems of the picture too. And the shadow wasn't quite right so that was fixed lol. I think it's much better now. What do you think? There are some little touches that I will need to make before the official cover is revealed but I'm getting closer! Once I have my page count, I'll format the cover and add those touches. Plus I'll need to make another cover for the audiobook, which is a square lol. It'll be similar, if not exact.
So what is Murder Through Time about? It's about a time-serial killer....one who has been traveling through time killing the same woman. Now I had to ask myself what a person had to do to make someone want to kill them over and over again. I don't quite have an answer to that just yet but I'll be sure to ask him. Okay?
Anyway........The detective is stuck in time with the killer, the dead body, and another version of the woman who hasn't been killed yet. He must keep the woman safe from the killer. The time machine is broken so if he fails, there's no going back to change things. This is the detective's last chance to save the woman. Will he fail? Or will he become Billie's hero?
Who is the killer?
I'm not sure what the subgenre will be just yet. Mystery? Romance? Just plain Science Fiction? I'll have to keep writing and flesh it out, so to speak. I don't hear it in the story just yet. But I'm only 2 chapters in so who knows? It could be right there, it's possible I just haven't seen it yet lol.
So that's it on my writing updates. I look forward to talking to you again! See you soon!!
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