Fairytale's Truth Update!

Fairytale's Truth is now available on Amazon! And on Saturday, you'll be able to find the ebook on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, and other places! Here's the link for all of the locations you can find this book! books2read.com/fairytalestruth

Once the book was made available, I submitted the story to ACX to find a narrator for it. I figured it would take a few days to find someone who would want to narrate it. By the end of the day, there were 6 auditions! I listened to each one very carefully and visited their profiles before making my choice. The next day, a contract was made with Cassandra Arnold. It should be finished in April or May so be on the look-out for that! She has agreed to narrate the other books in the series as well! I am so excited about that. I'll be sharing a sample of her reading on YouTube so if you haven't followed me on there, be sure to do so, so you don't miss that!

I shared the news with my daughter. Her boyfriend went online to check it out and said the blurb made the book sound cool so he's anxious to read the book now. Of course, his daughter (my granddaughter) did inspire the MC, Maria. I did ask their permission before I wrote her into the story lol. They thought it was a cute idea and was on board the first day. I haven't figured out how I am going to use my other grandchildren in stories yet but I'll think of something. They will all be children's books when I do think of some ideas. Be a fun way to keep them young forever! I wish I would've thought of this when my kids were little. Of course, it isn't too late to write something using them now but still. I'm having way too much fun with my grandchildren lol.

In Other News....

I'm hard at work editing Peterson Estate 6. 4 chapters are done. I've been able to add over 4K words, filling in the holes and changing things that weren't working. The plot and storyline are now tighter. I'm not finished, of course. There are 13 chapters in this book. If I stay on pace, I could possibly add another 9K to the book giving the grand total of words right at 60K but I am not getting my hopes up. I'll just have to see how the edits continue to move forward. I will keep you updated, of course, lol.

I discovered some new information with Murder Through Time and added it to my notes so I don't forget. So when I do get back to writing it, I need to back up just a bit and rewrite one of the scenes. It may change some of the story that I already have written but I'm not sure. I will have to wait and see. This does happen from time-to-time. Sometimes, that's why it can take a write a year or longer to write a single book. Some scenes don't work the way we visualized in the beginning and have to make changes. It happens, even to the best writers. We accept it and move on. It's for the sake of a good story. Readers don't see the heartache it takes a write a book, they just see the finished product. They either love it or hate it. And it's the writer's job to try to make you love it. So I'm hoping I will be able to make this story the best it can be so you will absolutely love it. 

I have another time travel story waiting to be written as well. This one is far different. When it came to me, I got excited about it. I'll share more about it later down the road. I just wanted to share that there will be more Science Fiction stories to come. Many more. I love Science Fiction! I love aliens! I have an alien story heading your way too! That one will be fun! My husband shared a dream he had, and that story is based on that dream. So cool! He shares all his dreams with me now but that one really spoke to me. I can't wait to write that one lol.

So I will be seeing you again, really soon! I can't believe February is almost over already!



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