Murder Through Time

The final cover will be slightly different (just need to finalize the title font)

In just 9 days, I've managed to write just a little over 18K so far. My goal is 60K, as always. If the story isn't finished at 60, I will keep going until it is. I just like having something to shoot for lol. This story has been flowing, some areas faster than others, but it's moving along quicker than I had anticipated, which is totally cool. The MC switched on me, which is fine. The original idea for the MC wasn't working, she was stubborn basically. But I think the choice for the MC now makes for a better story. I can get into it a little better, do not ask me why. I do not choose the characters, they choose me lol.

With this story, I've been having way too much creating new things "from the future". Some of the words have changed, at least for the MC. For some reason he doesn't like using the word bad, he says major instead. And that's fine, we all have our own little way of speaking. I mean, I use cool a lot and I say really, a lot lol. Something I don't think about, like a lot of us lol.

The killer in the story was born in the year 2204. I haven't specified what year the story takes place yet (I'm still not sure just yet) but it's roughly around now. So the MC is from over 200 years into the future. A lot has changed between now and then. I'm not going to go into detail because my subscribers get the first peek at those lol. Benefits of getting my newsletter, I suppose lol.

The twists I've encountered in this story so far have been mind-blowing for me. They caught me off guard, which is nice. I always have at least one twist in my stories so I can't exactly not have one in this one. I just never expect them lol. I believe it's a subscience thing, although I'm not going to fight it because I truly love twists. I think that's what makes the pages turn so quickly. At least for me. I get hit in the head with a twist and it makes me excited, and the words just tumble out they flow so fast. Of course, then I have to start typing faster just to keep up with the scene. I stop for a break to rest from writing lol. And I find myself wanting to dive back in because the suspense is killing me--I can't stay away, not knowing kills me lol. That's why I love writing on the fly. I love the suspense of not knowing what's around the corner. And the MC lets me in on a secret, and I'm like "no way!" Every time a character shares a secret, they only reveal a little piece. It's like they want me to guess. And if I guessed, it would be wrong, a lot of the times lol. That's when the twist comes in handy. 

There was a scene in the story that made me jump out of my seat (won't spoil it) and it was at that moment when the MC told me a small piece of the ending. It was just enough to get me intrigued because I wasn't expecting it. Now I'm wondering if it's going to remain the same or he was just trying to trick me lol. It's okay, either way. I'm just happy that I get to be the one writing this story!

So that's about it for this entry. I'm rambling now lol. See you next time!



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