Saying Goodbye to 2019

Saying goodbye is always hard unless it's to a year and that's pretty easy lol. So this is my last post for the year, and it's my second for this blog so it's pretty weird. But hey, I'm an expert at weird so this is going to be a breeze..............

2019 has many memories, some to be forgotten and some will be remembered for a lifetime. I learned so many things about myself so personal growth was a special thing for me. So as I'm heading into a new year, I bring so much to the table and it's awesome!!!

The first book of the new year to be published will be this one right here, The Dead Life. This is the official cover for the story. It took me some time to get this book just right and there were hurdles along the way. The characters were just as stubborn as I am lol. I was told Germans are very stubborn and it is true lol. My husband has some in him as well so you can imagine how stubborn my kids are lol. Yeah, they are really bad when it comes to that.

So to prepare myself for the new year, I am continuing with my edits for The Dead Life. My plan is to release this book in March so I do have some time but I'm not waiting for the last minute, I am plugging away and getting it done. There's so much to do with this story still to have it ready for you.

So what else am I doing to be ready for 2020?

I am using an app called Hootsuit to help me plan my posts on Instagram and Facebook page. I actually didn't know you could use it for the Facebook page until a few days ago so I've been busting gear to plan ahead for those posts. I plan on posting something daily to really get people to remember me. I just have to remember to remain professional in my posts, no more playing around lol. Of course, I do have to stay true to who I am so there will be some playing around. Have to bring a little humor to the table to keep things interesting. I also use another app called Canva and the website to make those posts. That's where the magic is created and where I have my fun creating these posts. They were a little boring in the beginning because I was so new to those two sites but as I'm learning, I'm also getting close to the edge to see what I can do and what I shouldn't do. That's where the fun is growing.

I live on my phone just like everyone else seems to be lol. I have so many apps that I depend on, for a daily basis. My memory is getting worse so I am constantly leaving myself notes and setting alarms to do things. I do a lot of things on Google so I have the calendar from there to begin planning things. That way, it appears on my laptop too. But hey, I don't want to reveal everything. I can't remain somewhat of a mystery if I spill all the beans lol. Some of them must stay in the bag and stir just a little as I continue building my brand. Every now and then, something will be tossed out to you for a bite. So stay tuned for the next chapter in my life and I will see you next year!!


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