Ending the Year.......Updates

 I am finished with Murder in the Wind. I have also begun the narration process. As you can see, I chose Tom Briggs to be the narrator for this story. Even though he is much older than the MC, I thought he was a good fit. Murder in the Wind will be released on December 15, 2022. It is the final book for the year. The audio version should be done and ready for listeners in January 2023. 

I have also finished editing Missing Through Time. I am now in the process of seeking for Beta Readers to help me work through the edits to improve the story. If you would like to read this book in order to bring out the flaws, please email me at a.r.grosjean@hotmail.com Thank you!

Today, I began writing Escaping Her Past. I have some people waiting for this one lol. This book is Women's Fiction/Thriller. I hope I combine these two genres just right. I will be doing Nanowrimo this year. It's the first time I will write (not edit) in a few years in November. I can't believe the timing worked out in my favor this year! When I designed the cover, I went with the Thriller part of the story. I hope it's a fitting choice. It'll make sense to you once you read it. But I have to finish writing it before that can happen, so I better get off of here so I can do that lol. Have a great day!


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