

As someone who has experienced this, I can say a lot about homelessness. For one, no one really asks to become homeless. It is something that happens, sometimes more than once. It doesn't make a person less human.

Living on the street isn't fun but one thing I did learn is that the homeless community looks out for each other. At least, that's what I experienced and witnessed. I met a lot of good people who struck some bad luck in their lives. Some are still on the streets while others were able to pick up their lives and return to society.

I have watched people cross the street just to avoid going near someone who was homeless. I was able to ask some of them why they did that. One lady thought she'd get a disease from someone, another said he felt guilty about not being able to help, and another thought she'd catch being homeless. I had to keep from laughing on that one because it's not contagious. I think it was just an excuse but I didn't judge her.

I plan on writing a book about this subject, it will take time to get it done so it won't be soon. It's actually been a plan of mine since someone suggested I did write about it since I've been there. I had to learn how to keep things simple because I didn't know how long I'd be in one place. I learned that some places frown on using their facilities if they know you're homeless. Staying clean is hard. I learned that you have to stick to groups because some people target the homeless for cruel games. I learned that there ARE bad people who are homeless too. I learned to look away sometimes. I learned how to survive. I was lucky that I had my husband to take care of me, not all women have that luxury. 

You never know when something like this will happen and sometimes it is out of your control. Passing judgment is not cool. It's not easy to get off the street once you become homeless. Yes, a person can get a job but even that can be hard if someone doesn't have a place to clean up. It takes a very special manager who cares and understands to hire someone in this position.

Ways to Help Someone who is Homeless
  • Buy them a meal
  • Put them up in a hotel room
  • Offer them a job (even if it's just mowing your lawn)
  • Lend them a shoulder, talk with them, show them you care
  • Help them with clothes, or help them wash their clothes
  • Make up a goody bag, filled with clean socks, underwear, TP, food, women's products if it is a woman, sleeping bag, blanket, tent, etc. These things are priceless on the street and are needed.
  • Gift card for places to eat
  • A place to stay if not a hotel
Some shelters have a limit to how long a person can stay. If they are full, there's nothing they will do for them. Not all cities have shelters.


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