NaNoWriMo Plans

This is the working cover for the book I am writing at the moment. It is also the book that I'll be working on for NaNoWriMo which is National Novel Writing Month. During November, I'll be finishing the rough draft for the story with a special meaning behind it. Backstory.....My granddaughter has a special ability. She can light up any room, make you feel good, and has the biggest heart of anyone I know. And I know a lot of people. She's been through a lot so I decided to turn her into a character and write a story with her being the MC. Now meet Maria, a little cutie in her own right. She has a pacemaker, she's 10, and she just accidentally met Nemoy, a garden gnome who wasn't supposed to be seen by humans. It wasn't his fault, Maria made him sneeze... More about the story later lol. As I mentioned, I am participating in the NaNoWriMo this year which begins on November 1, 2020. I'm already 48K into the story which means I'm reaching the end of the sto...