Hello, Fall; Goodbye, Summer

 I am saddened to see the summer go. It feels like it just got here and now the cooler temperatures are coming to stay for a little while. I hate the cold so much lol. So Stolen is officially released and I've gone back to writing Fairytale's Truth, full time. I've reached the half-way mark (I hope). The MC has reached a roadblock and has to figure out how to get through it. Hopefully, her new friend, Nemoy the gnome can help her since she's only ten. It won't be easy, that's for sure.

Meanwhile, I've been seeing my grandchildren more often which is a nice distraction but it's still a distraction which is why I've been writing so slowly. But I love it when they visit. My husband decided to buy these two matching outfits which is totally adorable. Of course, the oldest of the two just can't keep her mouse ears where they belong. But I think she was playing. She is a little cute goofball so I don't mind. She's also the inspiration for Maria so anytime I can catch her being silly, is something I can use for the book. So bring it on, girly. This Nana got you lol. 

Anyway, I just wanted to share a little update. I haven't done that in a little while lol. I will return again soon (I hope sooner lol).


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