The Fifth book in the series is finally written!

Sometimes daydreaming can pay off. And that's why my head is always in the clouds--because I'm dreaming up new ideas and twists to add to my stories. Of course, sometimes those twists come out of nowhere and I'm left feeling stunned. The MC let it slip how she wanted the ending to come about and when I finally reached that ending, it was much better than she led me to believe. I'm sitting there, feeling OMG what an ending. The best part, it's not really the end. Just like all the books before this one, it's "to be continued" but I left a different kind of cliff hanger and it's beautiful. So fitting. So does Emily finally escape Hell? I'm not going to tell you lol.

So now, the real fun begins and I start on editing the story. I need to fill in a few areas, add more details, etc. I haven't reached my word-count goal but I always add more in the editing process so I'm still not worried that it will end up being a novel like the others in the series. If it doesn't, I'll be okay with it because it is different from the books before it in the series. I'm super excited about it! And I'm still shocked even though I wrote the last word yesterday. I was kind of out of it all day yesterday afterward. I know my husband noticed lol. The life of an author, you know lol.

A lot of professions, you can't take work home with you but in a writer's case--you can't turn it off. You are a writer 24-7 whether you like it or not and I love it! Having the book finished this early in the year gives me more time to work on edits which means I'll be starting the next book sooner than I originally thought. Most of that story is already in my head, I just need to change the beginning and take out some scenes and make new ones. That's not a big deal. Then all my books will be under one pen name. All of them. And I will be able to begin new and original stories that will flip your lid. Yes, some of them are romance stories. Some of them are fantasy stories. And some of them are wild enough to be science fiction. I am super psyched! I hope you are too!!!!!

If you're interested in being my fan, you can buy any of my books at I'll be happy to have you! Thank you!!!


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