In the local news

It's not just here, but everywhere. People are getting so scared that things are flying off the shelves. Toilet paper is just one of the many things. I'm just down the street from one Walmart and there's no toilet paper. They get an order in and they don't even have time to get it on the shelves. People are just grabbing it off the pallets. It's not even funny. People are getting hurt.

The news doesn't help. You have one person who says continue life as you normally would. Then another person says stock up and stay home. Then you hear the President say one day that it's no big deal. The next day, he's saying they should stock up. So who are you supposed to believe?

It's frustrating because you don't know if you're supposed to wait it out or go like nothing's happening. Some people think it's no big deal and others say it's the end of the world.  I don't know what to think. I just don't want to get sick. Right now Indiana isn't bad, at least the part I'm from-- Fort Wayne. So many deaths. They only talked about one person getting better who had the virus so that's not real reassuring. I have a cold so I'm already vulnerable. It sucks.

Now I've said my peace. What about you?


  1. Update: I just came back from the Walmart on Coldwater Road in Fort Wayne and the Meijer down the street from it and the shelves are still bare. Looks like no one listened to the President when he said no more hoarding.


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