
I want to welcome you to my new blog. This is my first step to a new me. My goals for 2020 are simple. I will be improving myself so I can be a better writer, editor, marketer, and all-together better person. I need to put myself first for a change. It will be hard but I deserve to come first in my life. I was ignoring what was important.

I also need to get out there, meet people outside the Internet lol. Another goal is to keep writing. I originally wanted to write 2 books a year but I am a fast writer so if I continue writing and push through the edit process, I could possibly write more than 2 books a year. So this year I will set my sights higher and write more. But that doesn't mean less quality. Quality is important to me and I want you to be happy with my stories so I will just work harder. I know I have it in me.

More goals heading your way. 2020 is my year and I am going to be on top of my game!


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