Saying Goodbye to 2019

Saying goodbye is always hard unless it's to a year and that's pretty easy lol. So this is my last post for the year, and it's my second for this blog so it's pretty weird. But hey, I'm an expert at weird so this is going to be a breeze.............. 2019 has many memories, some to be forgotten and some will be remembered for a lifetime. I learned so many things about myself so personal growth was a special thing for me. So as I'm heading into a new year, I bring so much to the table and it's awesome!!! The first book of the new year to be published will be this one right here, The Dead Life. This is the official cover for the story. It took me some time to get this book just right and there were hurdles along the way. The characters were just as stubborn as I am lol. I was told Germans are very stubborn and it is true lol. My husband has some in him as well so you can imagine how stubborn my kids are lol. Yeah, they are really bad when it comes to t...