Write A Book Checklist


Are you planning on writing a book? Don't want to forget something? Make a checklist and cross things off as you finish them. When you're finished writing the book, everything should be crossed off the list. Here are some ideas to get you started. Feel free to add to the list.....

  • Ask yourself...."Will I outline or wing it?" If you're going to outline it, make sure you include all the details you can think of. You can always go back and add more as the details come to you.
  • What is the story about? The idea of the story. Some people start with the plot, some people start with the character. You need both but it doesn't matter which comes first.
  • The story's theme.
  • Setting
  • Use active voice (this can be used for the editing process)
  • What are the repetitive words? Can they be omitted or is another word better? (Use during editing).
  • Characters. You can make a new checklist for that. Create a character bio sheet (there are many online to choose from or create your own). Include name, description, personalities, likes/dislikes, job, hobbies, family members and friends if needed, habits, etc.
  • Don't forget villains are not 100% bad, they need a couple likable traits too. Did you do that? Same for the hero-they aren't 100% good--Did you add a few downsides for the "good guy"?
  • Is the book a standalone or part of a series? This can be changed at any time.
  • If you started writing, have you begun thinking of your ideal audience? Time to begin marketing. You can make a whole new checklist for this as well!
  • When will you write? Where will you write? How will you write (longhand, laptop, phone).
  • Genre and Sub-Genre
  • Cover design. Make your own? Hire a designer? Buy a premade?
  • Type of book. Paperback, ebook, Hardcover, Audio (all of the above?)
  • Research needed (most books require some). You can list all of the places you need to search for the information and keep it all together for the book.
  • What is your character needing to accomplish, what is his/her goal? What are the obstacles that are stopping him/her from achieving this?
  • Character's purpose.
  • Character growth. Has your character become a better person?
  • How many characters will be telling the story? POV
  • As you are editing, ask yourself (if there is more than 1 POV), can you tell who's telling the story, is it clear?
  • Will you be offering free copies? Price of the book.
  • Establish marketing plan/goals. Where will you be selling the book?
  • Edit process. This can be its own checklist.
  • Hiring an editor? Beta Readers?
  • Formatting.

The list can keep going. I hope I included enough to get you started. As mentioned, you can add more to your own liking. You can write the list down and literally check it off or cross it off as it's done. Or you can create something online with little checkboxes. How you create your own list is up to you. Having something like this handy can help you make sure everything is done before the book actually goes on the market. Have fun with it. When you love what you're doing, it doesn't feel like a job and you're going to want to do it more. And that's a good thing. Love what you do and do what you love! That's all for this post! Have a great day!! Thank you!!!!


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