My Dream Personal Library

My dream personal library would also be my "office" space where I would write my stories. I would have a large room because I love big spaces lol. There would be a lot of windows that would be open so I could see outside. The shelves would be built-in from floor to ceiling and would be filled with a combination of books. 

Some of the books would be old and weathered. These books would only be meant for decoration but they would also be read. I would have research books, books on writing, books on marketing, books on editing, etc. Then I would have books I've written and books written by many different Indie authors that I would also read. 

The desk would be large and solid. It would be made of wood because I love wood. It would have a shine to it and have carvings, like the one pictured here.

I would have a couple different areas to relax and read. I love window seats and window tables so those would be incorporated. The furniture would be brown leather with a few pillows here and there. And a blanket tossed over a chair. I want the design to be "Old World". I don't know why, but it does something to me. Makes me feel all nice and cozy. There would also be a hardwood floor with oriental rugs to divide the smaller areas within the room.

I love making crafts, so there would be a large round table in one part of the room where I can make things with my grandchildren. Or even by myself. I would have a closet to store things to use plus my extra printing paper and such. On one wall, like pictured here, I would have decorative cut-ins to display things that represent some of my books. One would consist of birdhouses and have fairies. Another area would have a dollhouse that can be taken down for the kids to play with. It would be a model of the Peterson Estate castle. I think it would be fun to open up and see the rooms as they would be in the story.

Since the shelves are floor to ceiling, I would have a ladder to reach the top shelves. The ceilings would be high. The shape of the room would not be rectangular. There would be curves to give the room more interest.

There would also be a second floor with an opening to the main area down below. The entrance to the large house would have high ceilings and you'd be able to see into the second-floor library space from the main entrance. This would allow more light to come into the space.

I've had a lot of time to think of my dream house lol, as you can see. The house itself would be quite large and would have a castle appearance to it even though it wouldn't be a castle. The rest of the house would match the library with the wood-covered floors, trim, and wood paneling. It's a dream library within a dream house. It would be expensive to build but if I can win the lottery, I would design it myself and have the house built in the country. There would be trees everywhere, and I may have to bring in a few animals like horses. That would bring a nice touch to the land around me, giving me more inspiration. And I would have to have a lot of things for my grandchildren to do when they visit lol.

What would your dream library look like?



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