It's Time to say Good-Bye to 2021
Then came Murder Through Time, which was intended to be a standalone story. By the time I reached the end, the series was born. The MC wasn't finished telling me his story and there were other characters who wanted to join in. This story was inspired by a daydream I had when my husband and I were homeless. We were resting under a bridge because it was so much cooler there. It was 20 years ago and the memory is still fresh in my mind. I was sitting there and I honestly thought I saw a skeletal hand sticking out from the rocks. Of course, when we left I noticed it was just a stick but that "vision" inspired the story. I say vision because it played out in my head as I sat there lol.
Then came Fairytale's Christmas. I wanted the story to be fun and it was a lot of fun writing it. I knew what type of story I wanted it to be, but at the same time I wanted my granddaughter to decide the final story itself. So I asked her if she wanted a dragon or Jack Frost. She began to say dragon until I mentioned Jack and she said Jack Frost over and over in an excited way. She has no idea who Jack Frost is so it was cute how she reacted to the choice. I ended up tossing in the dragon anyway.
Once that story was finished and waiting for release day, I began writing the final book for the Peterson Estate series, Angelic Blood. Since it is the last book, I wanted it to really pop and bring all of the different plots together, answer the final question. I think I did just that plus more. It will be released at the end of February, 2022. I was even able to begin writing the next book which will be released in the summer sometime.
Other than writing, I was told the gender of my next grandchild. He will be born in March. Our daughter is a big Vampire Diaries fan so his name will be Damon. I think it's a good name. I've been busy crocheting a blanket for him. Hopefully it will be fnished before he's born. Also, my oldest daughter was married. Her three babies were part of the ceremony. They had a blast. Our oldest granddaughter kept asking us if we were going to the wedding. The day of the wedding was the first time I heard her say it so it melted my heart a little hearing it. I called my daughter the day of and my granddaughter ended up taking over the call, but it was cutest conversation ever. Judgeing by her voice, I could tell she was dancing around the room as she spoke. And she kept "showing" me her new dress. Of course, it was a normal call so I couldn't see it but the dress did turn out being very pretty. It was a nice day for a wedding.
So that was my 2021. How was yours? Tell me in the comments. I'd love to hear your story! Thank you!!
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