Interview with Mother/Son co-authors for the book SuperHero Joey


  1. You have written a book called SuperHero Joey. What is the book about? The book is about a boy who discovers he has superpowers & helps others discover they have Epilepsy.
  2. You have a co-author. What did he contribute to the story? What is his story?  Joey, my son, helped write his story in a fun book as a Superhero. When he was 4 (a couple of months before he turned 5) he had his first seizure in preschool. A few weeks later, he had an official diagnosis of Epilepsy. Our world was turned upside down and we had no idea about Epilepsy or seizures. After doing a search for books, I decided to write my own.
  3. What made you want to write this book? I wrote this book to help others learn about their new diagnosis at a level children can understand.
  4. Do you have any plans to write another book on your own or with your special co-author? What books do you intend to write? A second book is being written as we speak. This is the first of a series.
  5. Kayla Olson-Surface designed the cover. What was the process like working with her? Oddly enough, I wrote this in the midst of Covid-19. We never met and did this via email.
  6. Was it always your dream to be a writer? How did the dream come to you? I did dream of being a writer in school. The book just sort of wrote itself.
  7. What has your son learned from writing this book with you? Joey learned how to speak in public and the art of sales. He always liked to help others and he continues to do so. He likes how he has a new way to help others.
  8. Is there something he would like to say?  If you are diagnosed with seizures & Epilepsy, it's not the end of the world. The Epilepsy Foundation is a great resource to meet others with Epilepsy. They also have other resources to help you too. We have social media too, feel free to reach out. Facebook & Instagram just look up AuthorAmandaSkou.
  9. What would you tell other aspiring authors? Just tell your story, don't worry about what others may think. Someone needs to hear your story. I, Amanda Skou, can help point you in the right direction.
  10. Is there anything else you would like to say that hasn't been mentioned? You can find us on Facebook & Instagram. Look for Author Amanda Skou. We have a website for more

Joey just discovered he has superpowers! He still needs a lot of practice, but he wants to start helping people now. The only problem is he doesn't know-how. One day, Joey and his mother are walking through town and Joey sees a sign for a class on spotting seizures and giving first aid. Being epileptic himself, Joey understands how scary having seizures can be. He sets out to learn more, but what will happen when his new first aid skills and his new superpowers are both suddenly put to the test?


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