Happy Labor Day! I hope today is good to you!

So I have one question. Why aren't we supposed to wear white after today?

I grew up with a sister who was all about looking good. I remember growing up, waiting to use the bathroom because she was putting on her make-up and fixing her hair. And some of those days, she wasn't going anywhere lol. She'd lock herself up in her bedroom and listen to music all day. And she had to dress up for that. Those days, I couldn't understand why she was like that. I was just a kid at the time. But that was where I learned you're not supposed to wear white after Labor Day. She was a cheerleader and was very popular. Yep, she was in that crowd. Anyone who didn't look the part had no purpose in her clan, including me. It wasn't until I was older when she actually started being a sister and even then she didn't act like she liked me. Sibling rivalry at its best, I guess. 

All these years, I always wondered about it. Sure I asked around but no one really had an answer for me. It's like everyone knows about it but no one knows why lol. Maybe you know?

Okay, so now my updates (just in case you were wondering lol)

I was having a difficult time getting my new cover just right. The designer has too much going on at the moment so she was afraid she wouldn't get the cover done in time for the book's release. I've been working on it since she told me her sad news and she felt terrible about it. I tried 2 different looks but neither of them worked. Then someone offered to help me and the design she came up with is just right. She combined the 2 looks and it's less cluttered lol. Makes a difference when you really know your stuff. I don't know what it is about this series, that I can't get the cover right myself lol. I have a lot to learn! I will get there though. I'm planning on revealing the cover on November 1 to my subscribers. Everyone else will see it on the 2nd. But I can share a hint.....

In case, you're wondering (again), this is a picture of the book on the computer screen. The cover isn't finished yet. She still has blending and such, to do yet. I love the font, it does have a Christmas feeling to it, which is a good thing since it is a Christmas story. And there is something on the cover that says me, without her even knowing lol. You'll see when I reveal the cover. I can't wait!!!

Final update: Murder Through Time is doing well. I'm hoping for more reviews soon but I want to give everyone time to read it first lol. So maybe next week, some will begin to come through. I'm dying to know what other people think of this story. Anyway, it's available as Ebook and Paperback and people can read individual pages on Kindle Unlimited. The book is registered through that to give people another way to read it. I'm excited because every day, I've been seeing pages being read. That's exciting! So, that's all I have this time around. See you again soon!!



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