Design Question and Idea
Okay, this is not the cover but it is an idea for one. This is simple yet says Christmas. After putting this together to get a feel for what I was thinking, it does not work because it says nothing about what the story is. Well, other than Christmas. And that's just a small part of the story. Winter is late and Jack Frost is missing. Nemoy disappears in search of Jack and of course, Maria has snuck out to follow Nemoy, so she can help her friend. So now she's the one who must find Jack Frost. There will be a dragon because my granddaughter says she wants a dragon in her story (she's the MC's inspiration so I asked what she wanted in the story lol). So, idea #1. Something like this cover but with a dragon wrapped around the tree, somehow......... Idea #2. A boy (Jack Frost) floating above the scene with snow coming from his hands and drifting towards the bottom of the scene, with the girl and tree. Of course, the girl would look more like the first girl in the first bo...