Hello and Hello!

I am trying something new. I'm changing my Page on Facebook. My new page can be found at https://www.facebook.com/WriterA.R.Grosjean and it's all about writing across the genres. Of course, it is about me as well but I've divided it to create more interesting topics. Please come visit the page during the next week and see what I've got to talk about. You are more than welcome to like and follow. 

Today, Peterson Estate 6: The Great Dark Witch was released. I was gritting my teeth too because I was having trouble with the spine. Amazon kept rejecting it so I had to keep fixing it. Finally, yesterday I sent my last version in, and this afternoon, the book released. Whew, I was cutting that close! It happens! I updated my website today with the new link so that's live now. You can visit my website at https://argrosjeanauthor.wixsite.com/home

I'm making beautiful headway with Murder Through Time. I've reached 40K today. I'm super excited. There's still a lot of story to write, and more twists to find! Don't worry, I won't overdo it lol. Is there such a thing? Don't answer that lol.

My plans are the same. I will finish writing Murder Through Time. Get it edited. Then send it off to Beta Readers. That will hopefully happen during May. If not, June. I'm hoping to release it towards the end of August but that's not set in stone. Once that is finished, I'll begin writing Fairytale's Christmas. That will be ready to release in December, before Christmas. You will have plenty of time to order it.

At the end of the year, I'll be sharing 3 upcoming books in my newsletter for the subscribers to vote for. I have 3 planned but needed one more to write in 2022 so I'm giving them a chance to vote for that 4th book. It'll be fun to see which book is selected. Then I will share what those 4 books are and begin working on them. Cannot wait!



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