
Showing posts from March, 2021

March Madness

March has been a good month for me so far. I managed to finish editing Peterson Estate 6 and get back to writing Murder Through Time. I've been learning a lot about the main characters. Like Marcus. He's built, doesn't run into danger but isn't afraid of it either, has scars from bullets and knives, and has a soft side when it comes to women. Ryan is pretty normal but he takes his job seriously. Even though he has one drug charge, he doesn't use it and feels regret about that one time. He's afraid it'll catch up to him. Billie speaks her mind but she also knows when not to say it. She's considerate. And Charles. He wasn't always a bad guy. He had a normal childhood until one day something changed it. And vengeance became his full drive. This will be a character-driven story. But the plot will grab you. This won't be the only time travel story I'll be writing. I have another one called Trading Places that I will write about in the future. It...

Audio Updates

I have 2 projects going on at the moment while I wait for another to be approved by ACX The narrator that I chose for the first book in the series is recording the second book. She was anxious to get started. She's really enjoying this series! That means a lot to me. And Fairytale's Truth will be having the same narrator for its entire series which is totally cool because she's doing such a wonderful job. I believe I chose the right narrator for this book. It's perfect. I'll be making videos on YouTube soon once I get the recordings. ______________________________________________________________ The 6th book in the Peterson Estate is almost finished. I have a couple final changes to make. It turned out much better than I expected. I actually added 13K words to it. It is just under 700 words from reaching the 60K mark! I am so proud of myself. If you catch me on Instagram or my Facebook Page, you'll see Peterson Estate Truths during the month of April to celebrat...

Building a Character

  Here are a few things I've learned about building a character. One of the first things, you should ask yourself is Why should my audience care about my character? The answers will be limitless so only you can answer it. But you should be able to answer it. If you don't care about them, you can't expect your readers to. You don't have to use an information-dump to tell the readers about the character. Their personality and what-nots can be revealed through action, dialogue, and other characters. How they react to a situation can say a lot about a person. You can actually create a form or download one through a website to help you fine tune your character. The questionnaire will help you get inside their head and learn more about them, why they do the things they do. Even if you don't use this information in the story, knowing about their childhood can offer you the explanation of why he's scared of the dark, or why he doesn't have friends. The more you know...

Excerpt from Peterson Estate 6...

  Here's a scene that my Beta Reader said was my best one. See if you agree.... John kept his eyes on the gates. He could hear something above him. He levitated to the ceiling so he could hear the battle that was going down at that very moment. It sounded so beautiful. He could hear the flesh tear and the blood drop to the ground. It was like time was standing still and then slowly moving forward. The anticipation was building, and he was a child again, waiting to open his gifts. The first time he killed an animal; this is what it felt like. His memories rushed back to him as he stood between this time and the next where seconds no longer existed and time was frozen in place. He placed his hand on the rock that held the gates in place. He could feel the power radiating from it. The heat began to build up, and it would explode, forcing the doors open wide. He would be free at that moment, and any demon who rushed out behind him would be free. No cracks to squeeze through, no bodies ...