My Updates 2021


I am on the last stretch of edits for Fairytale's Truth. At this time, I am checking for repetition. I have finished 18 chapters, and have 3 more to go. I originally planned to have these done by Saturday so I am ahead of schedule, again lol. That is fine because I want to go over it again and double-check my changes. I will also be working on the formatting this week, making sure the fonts that I want can be used. They were embedded but I have no idea if they will stick until I upload it to Amazon and Smashwords (if I decide to use the second site). Still not sure yet. I have one book on Smashwords so it shouldn't be an issue adding a second book to the site lol. 

The cover is in its final stages of design. A few changes were made and it needs to be sized to work for the number of pages I have written. Once I have the new cover finalized, I can upload and check to format. Can't do one without the other which kind of sucks so I have to wait. Meanwhile, I will keep checking to make sure the book is perfect.

I am hoping to begin editing Peterson Estate 6: The Great Dark Witch by the 24th of this month. That will give me the whole month of Feb and March to work on it. It will be released sometime in May. I haven't set the date for it yet so keep your eyes open for that. I am planning on beginning writing Murder Through Time in April, if all my plans work out. Fingers are crossed that complications don't arise. That is why I planned everything the way I had, in case there are problems. I've been thinking smarter this time around, knowing what I'm capable of and what I'm not capable of. That does make a difference.

I've met some writers who can put out a book every single month which is actually very impressive but I don't want to do something like that. I think writing, editing, and releasing 4 a year is pretty good so I'm going to stick with that. It gives me plenty of time to write, edit, write, edit, and then edit some more lol. I don't imagine being able to do that every year but it would be nice. I have so many unfinished books that need my attention so if I could work that number down it would be totally awesome. Then I can begin working on the new ideas that I've been getting lately. They started pouring in and I'm trying to keep up lol. I owe the older ideas a chance first and that's what I intend on doing--finish the ones I started, then write the new stuff. I have the full list of plans on my website if you want to take a look at that. As those are written, I'll add more to the list with an estimate on the release year. The actual date will be revealed when it gets closer to the time when I write those books.

So that's my update so far. My next newsletter is coming out in a couple days so if you want to be the first to know my updates, please sign up at the top of the page. Thank you so much! 


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