
 The first update I wanted to share, I finally got my granddaughter to put on the top I made for her. It looks so cute on her. I tried it on her several times during the making of this top to make sure everything would fit properly. I didn't use a pattern. I just crocheted it. It took a while to make but I'm very happy with the results and she liked it.

Another update. I have officially edited 4 chapters in Stolen. I've been working on one chapter a day and I'm so happy with the way it's turning out. One of the Beta readers loved it but she found a few errors and made some suggestions that would make the story even better. I agreed with pretty much every change that she suggested. And since it was a genre she reads, she was my target audience. So if she enjoyed it, I know for sure others will too. And since I am making improvements, I know without a doubt, this will be a great story. I am super excited about this. The cover was designed by a friend and I think she did an excellent job. She taught me how to do my own covers so I've been practicing and making new covers for my future books. Anyone who receives my newsletter will get the first peek at them though (the official covers anyway). I'm still learning but with the help of my friend, I was able to get a big chunk of knowledge which really set me in the direction I needed.

I have the writing of Fairytale's Truth on hold for the moment to get Stolen finished. I've given myself most of the month to do that but I don't see me needing the whole month. I just want to be safe. Once the editing is finished, I'll be jumping back in the writing saddle and getting that book finished. So far, I have a lot of people who love the story. It is so fun-filled and sweet. I'll be sharing more about it soon. I just need to get more written lol. But I am so excited about it. I can barely keep it in!!

But that's my update so far. Thank you for coming by. I hope to see you again soon!!


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