January is Almost Over 2020

This little guy is my grandson and he turned 1 in October 2019. He finally took steps on his own for the first time. That isn't the only achievement that's happened this month in my family. My granddaughter is potty training and she's 3, birthday is the same month as her brother. I am just so proud of my grandchildren. Can't you tell?

Another achievement is one of mine. I finished The Dead Life! Edits are complete. I handed the story over to a friend of mine to read it. I'm waiting to see what she thinks of it. I have decided to make the release date for March 1, 2020. During the month of Feb, I will be giving away free copies of the ebook (not sure how many copies yet). If you want to be included with the giveaway, come over to Facebook. That's where the event is happening! If you haven't read any of my books yet, let this one be the first. Besides being available on Amazon, it will also be available on Smashwords. I'm looking for other places to add it so stay tuned for that.

This is Sunday morning, tomorrow I will begin writing Peterson Estate 5: Hell Bound. I'm very excited about that. This is a new chapter in Emily's life and it's different from before. She's taken full reign of this story, I'm just following along and enjoying the ride! I hope you come join me. This is my favorite story and for good reason. I've known Emily Peterson since I was 12 years old and we have bonded. She's a great woman. And she's a great witch, so don't cross her lol. I'm just kidding. It's not like she can cast a spell on you or anything.

Anyway, I've got big plans for next month. I cannot wait. Besides my oldest having a birthday, my youngest is expecting her first baby next month. I know she's excited. I really am. I'll be announcing that when she comes!! I'll be seeing you around. Remember, keep dreaming. Don't give up!


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