Social Site, Writing, and Day-to-day living... Finding the time for all
Being a writer means writing, even when you're not in the mood. Time is something you make. So how do you juggle keeping a normal life, writing a novel, and marketing novels you've already written? Carefully lol. This is something I have learned over the years. The first book is always the easiest. Once it becomes published, you must learn how to continue writing while marketing the first book. Balancing life between the two and keeping a life is a little easier when it's only the one book with one being written. The more books you write and publish, the harder it becomes, especially when you're writing in multiple genres like I do. You have more than one audience which means extra work on top of what there is already. And that's fine because it is worth it. At least for me. So what are the secrets? You guessed it. Planning, planning, and keeping a schedule. But of course, what works for one may not work for another. So it really depends on your preferences and ro...